Friday, March 30, 2012


:: I don't even have my own chance to say yes or no. So later on, if problem raised up don't put the whole blame on me. This is not what I want, truth to be told :p

:: Dah cakap dulu kan, bila dah depan mata annoying gila. Kau sedar tak Atera? Dah dah cukup la tu bodohkan diri sendiri. Kau jugak yang nanti malam-malam leleh sorang-sorang kan. Enough!

:: Bila dah serabut, I miss you Mr. Futsal. Okbye.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


i miss mummy.
feel like crying.
it would be great if mummy's here.
 and i can cry on her shoulder.
and tell her everything.
about that, about this.
that boy, this girl.

tapi mummy macam happy je shopping otw dari LA ke Vegas. :(

Mummy's girl,
Atera Alyani.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

wednesday :)

Ke KLIA, mau ketemu sama Mama. 
Ngantarin dia ke LA.

Atera Alyani.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

rindu? babo?

1) There's a person who had told me, jangan terlalu mudah ucapkan sorry.Especially untuk perkara remeh temeh. Contohnye :

" Sorry semalam lupa nak reply, tertido. Ngantuk sangat la. Siang tu I pegi membanting padi kat sawah opah I "

There's no such thing of being sorry about. He told me that. And that was years ago. Hey I miss you mistaa :/

2)There's also a person who told me that he's prefer to called my name by Atera. The full one, instead of Ate, which is at that time I bet most of my friend called me Ate. And of course I miss him too now.

3) The other person said that he would like to assume me as a girl who know how to cook, when I've told him about million times that I dont know how to! He said you can learn that things as you grow. Aww, that was sweet of you monsoir! Err I miss you?

4) Next, there's a person who told me, dont ever cry for him. Because the one who deserve to cry for will not make me cry. I miss this one.

5) The last one, he told me that he'd willing to step back if I said I've fallen into someone else. He's being romantic here or he's a babo? Btw, yeah I miss him of course, big time. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Okayy truth to be told, all the person above is the same person. One man. Que masuk background lagu KimJongKook :)

And tell me, is this called cinta monyet? I dont think so. And, am I dummy to just let him go? or Im the one who leave.


Conclusion = Im a babo.

sahabat :)

Aritu first day semester two aku pernah buat statement :

" Sem ni Ate nak jimat. Taknak dah beli novels magazines comics segala. So, stop me if Im doing that again after this "

Amboi, diorang take serious lahh menda alah ni. Tadi aku kat jusco nak beli laa Hots, tengok cover Zac Efron tergugat jugak kan. Adoihh sekali tak dapat beli dek halangan yang maha hebat tahap dewa. 

Aku at first macam, eh apehal kau nak sibuk plak? But then after that baru aku sedar. Diorang sayang aku sebenarnye, takut aku membazir then tak sempat hujung sem dah sengkek kalah pengemis time turun LRT tu. 

Dear sahabat, thanks a lot. Really really thanks :)

Thanks y'all,
Atera Alyani.

termakbul sudaa~

Itu laa, kalau dah tak suka satu-satu perkara tu, cepat sangat mintak simpang laa ape laa. Mulut cepat sangat deny. Cakap taknak, taknak. Sekali Tuhan makbulkan, baru nak menyesal. Padan muka =.=

Atera Alyani

Saturday, March 10, 2012

boyen baru :p

* sebenarnye nak bergamba dengan Ahmad Harun Abdul Aziz ( Aaron Aziz ), tapi dapat ni je. Pon boleyyy :p

Thursday, March 8, 2012

being sensible

" People make mistakes, and there are reasons for them. So listen to them first, then judge and evaluate. The moment you take it public, you are putting someone's life at risk. Because you never know how one impulsive tweet or announcement can change a person's life. Have the sense to put ourselves in other people's shoes. Life's not always about me, me and me. "

- Diana Rikasari

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Perasaan nak memaafkan tu memang dah lama tersedia. Cuma nak meluahkan tu, terasa seperti bukan masanya, bukan kat sini. Not from all these IT thingy. Yelah tu, cakap je laa kau still tak mau memaafkan. Kan senang. Sebab bila kau dah have guts to forgive tu, sepatutnya terus buat. Kan? Tak perlu pun all these reason lah ape lah.

Okayy my bad. Aku susah kut nak memaafkan? Tapi untuk certain2 things je lah. Kalau yang lain-lain tu, tak letak dalam kepala sangat. Tapi kes ni, sangat berat. Kalau laa terbuka hati you tu nak ask forgiveness from me again, of course you'll get it right away. Im willing to give this time. Im not that hard, I've told you before right? 

Perempuan kan, biasalah. Kalau sekali duakali tu mana nak layan. Tapi try yang ketiga, confirm menjadi. Yes I agreed, my ego pun tinggi gila. Kalau boleh nak sama ngan KL Tower. Tapi, perempuan ni, lama-lama pujuk, cair jugak bro. 

Yang menjadi masalah nye, asal aku nak memaafkan je, mesti ada anasir2 jahat yang selalu membuatkan aku hold dulu. Entah laa, manusia kan. Mana boleh tengok orang senang. Rasanya kalau takde watak2 hitam tersebut, kita dah okayy kut? I dont know. 

So I'll just go with the flow. You now where to find me. How to contact me. 

Opss pause, backspace, rewind. Aku dah kenapa ni sampai macam ni sekali terbuka sangat hari ni? Ini namanya mood swing di awal sem. Baru awal sem aku dah start all this swinggy mood. 

Itulah, haritu time kemas-kemas barang pun macam tak percaya sem baru dah nak start. Dah sampai Melaka pon tak sedar lagi. Kat hotel dengan kawan-kawan bergelak ketawa bersuka ria pukul 1 pagi pun still tak wake up lagi. Last-last, pagi 5Mac2012 tu, kat meja time breakfast ngan Mama Yana Fatin Ira, barulah hati aku terbuka nak menerima bahawa semester dua dah start.

Campur juga dengan perasaan yang tak stabil sedikit, yang tak tahu entah bila muncul dan datang. Tu yang sampai mood swing berdouble tu. Takpe, yang ni ignore dulu ==' *buat muka keras. Kemon aku kan jaguh muka keras.

Sekarang kena lipat ganda usaha nak kejar DL. InsyaAllah. Kalau sem satu tak dapat, kita usaha sem dua. Begitulah seterusnya. 

Akhir kata majulah sukan untuk negara :)

muka baru tersedar sem baru dah start :)

Mood swing,
Atera Alyani.